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About ME

Hi! I’m Alex, and I am not a chef, I’ve never worked in a restaurant, and I’m not a food journalist. I haven’t written a cookbook and I don’t have a YouTube channel. I’m also not a homesteader, I don’t live on a farm where I grow my own vegetables, I’m not vegan, I’m not gluten free, I’m not a mom, I’m not a dad, I’m just some guy who likes to cook. I’m not special in any way. Unless you count having a website as being special, in which case technically I am special enough to own a computer and have access to $35.40 annually, which is how much it costs to have a website. Seriously they’re just giving these things away.

I’m just a regular person, just like you, who likes to make delicious food in my home kitchen using regular, everyday equipment. I like watching people cook, I like reading recipes, and I like learning new techniques and combining flavors in a way that I wouldn’t have thought of before. And, in the last few years, I have even tried my hand at making a few recipes of my own based on the rules I’ve learned over the years. Beyond that, I’m not making anything (or writing about it) for any reason except because I think it’ll be good, and because I think you might think it’s good too.

Anyway the point is, if you come to a cooking website looking for any of the standard extra stuff you’re used to finding, you probably won’t find it here. Nothing about how I made this recipe last Sunday while the sunlight sparkled through the windows and the sound of birds singing filled the air, nothing about how my nonexistent family “normally doesn’t like [insert food of this type] but completely [thesaurus word for ate] a large serving and asked for more.” I’m the type of person who cooks with a pen and paper in my kitchen to take notes on so I can recreate things if I want to later. So if there’s something written above the recipe card itself, it’ll mostly be me talking about the process I went through to develop the recipe or the techniques I used to make it better. People seem to like the food that I make, so I thought, what the heck? Maybe I’ll try writing some of that stuff down. If people read it, cool! If not… also cool.


I’ll be sharing recipes, but also some of the kitchen gear that I really like, and some of the tips and tricks that I’ve learned along the way. That’s it, that’s the whole thing. Here are my promises to you:

  • NEVER any long-winded complex stories before we get to the recipes.
  • NEVER any stock photographs of the food. All the pictures are taken by my unprofessional self in my unprofessional home of my actual unprofessional food.
  • NEVER any advertisements. Part of the reason recipe sites need to put so much damn copy on all their recipe pages, telling you all about how the squirrels in their neighborhood run around and play with each other or how the sunlight hits the old oak tree in the back yard or other crap like that is so they have enough space to run a lot of ads on the page.

Anyone who tells you it costs them a lot to have a website is a liar. I have no powerful need to make a lot of money off of this site. That said, if I put up a recipe and you made it and enjoyed it, maybe buy my morning coffee one day:

But never feel pressured to do that. You never need to give me anything.