Breakfast Pizza on Grandma Pie Dough

I used to live in Denver, Colorado, but I moved to Iowa in 2015. After I had lived here a few months, my new coworkers asked me if I had tried pizza from Casey’s yet. I admit, I was a bit of a snob about it. While all I said aloud was, “No, I usually stick to a national chain for ‘fast food’ pizza,” in my heart I thought, “Oh, wow. These people don’t understand what good pizza is. They think it’s acceptable to get pizza the same place they can get a quart of motor oil, caffeine pills, and gasoline.”

I admit my folly. Because not only is their pizza pretty good (in the fast food pizza category stacked up against Domino’s, Papa John’s, and Pizza Hut, not against your local artisan pizza place, of course), but they also have a really good breakfast pizza that I quite enjoy, especially when it’s cold out. I found several copycat recipes which I have amalgamated into one below, but they all relied on a premade pizza crust. Instead, this one is made on a soft, crunchy, puffy crust that you can cook in a home oven without a pizza stone or any extra equipment. The texture is almost like a focaccia when it’s done. Don’t be turned off by the total time of over 1 day, most of that is letting the dough rise. Just make the dough on Friday and put it in the fridge and wake up Saturday or Sunday morning to make yourself a delicious treat.

This recipe makes enough for 2 pizzas – one bacon, one sausage. If you only want one, cut the dough ingredients in half. And if you only do one, the sausage pizza is the better of the 2 (at least if you, like me, prefer sausage to bacon). #SausageForLife #SorryNotSorry #BaconMoreLikeBusted #IAmBadAtHashtagsButThatDoesNotChangeTheFundamentalFactThatSausageIsSuperiorToBacon

Breakfast Pizza on Grandma Pie Crust

Prep Time 1 hour
Rising Time 1 day 40 minutes
Total Time 1 day 1 hour 40 minutes
Servings 16



  • 2 envelopes active dry yeast
  • 4 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
  • 4 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 8 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup extra-virgin olive oil for sheet pan
  • 3 1/2 cups warm water (105–110°)


  • 1 15-ounce jar nacho cheese
  • 1 15-ounce can country sausage gravy
  • 12 large eggs scrambled
  • 1 pound breakfast sausage browned
  • 1/2 pound bacon cooked and chopped
  • 1 pound grated mozzarella cheese
  • 1 pound grated cheddar cheese



  • Stir yeast and water in stand mixer bowl and let stand until foamy, about 10 minutes.
  • Mix in olive oil, salt, and 4 cups flour then mix with dough hook until combined.
  • Scrape down sides of bowl.
  • Continue adding flour, 2 cups at a cup at a time, mixing until incorporated and a shaggy dough forms, about 3 minutes.
  • Increase speed to medium and mix until dough pulls away from sides of bowl and is lightly elastic, 5–6 minutes.
  • Place in a lightly oiled bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Chill 24 hours.
  • Coat 2 half sheet pans with ½ cup olive oil each. Turn out half of dough onto each baking sheet and let sit 10 minutes to warm up.
  • Stretch dough gently to cover the sheet pans – this may require giving the dough a few more minutes to rest and a couple rounds.
  • Cover dough on baking sheet with a damp cloth and let sit in a warm place (about 70°) until it is puffy and full of bubbles, like a focaccia. This will take about 30 minutes – plenty of time to prep the other ingredients.


  • Cover one crust with sausage gravy, bacon, 1/2 eggs, 1/2 mozzarella and 1/2 cheddar
  • Cover the second crust with cheese sauce, sausage, 1/2 eggs, 1/2 mozzarella and 1/2 cheddar
  • Bake at 450° for 20-30 minutes, until golden brown and crisp on bottom and sides

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